Combat Warriors Inc.

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Youth duck hunt at the Great Ditch Hunt Club in Hyde County, NC

Our 2016-2017 event schedule concluded with a youth duck hunt at the Great Ditch Hunt Club in Hyde County, North Carolina.  Combat Warriors Inc takes great pride in making trips available to our service members and their children. Time afield with a son or daughter is a gift that will be cherished long after the kids are grown. It's often what children reflect on when they think of great times from their youth. The kids shot a variety of ducks with a few kids shooting their very first duck ever.  We could not have picked a better way to wrap up another year serving these Combat Warriors and their kids.

We held 18 events in the 2016-2017 year serving over 200 soldiers and their families.  Our goal is to hold more events every year and reach as many warriors as possible with quality experiences that benefit these warriors.  We have a great line-up of events coming in the 2017-18 year and we can’t wait to share these events with you.  If you’d like to get involved in these events, let us know!