Combat Warriors Inc.

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Lee T.

Combat Warrior hunts are an outstanding opportunity for my son, Thomas, son-in-law (USMC 2nd LT), Jordan, and myself, to spend quality time together. My son, Thomas, is currently in college plans to serve in the Army as an Intelligence Officer or Enlisted (15W program) when he graduates from college in 2017. My father before me served in Korea and his father before him served in WWII. My dad is 83 now and he used to ride a quad-40 in Korea until they learned that he could lay brick… From that moment, he was pulled from the quad-40, and he and a handful of men traveled around Korea in the snow and icy conditions to build mess halls for the troops back in 1951 timeframe… My dad loves to hunt, loves to fish, and my love for this country all started with what he instilled in me back in the 1960’s. So naturally, we Troutmans gravitate towards the military way of life, and I personally have learned a great deal serving my country over the years, and I’ve met some great folks while serving my country and I’m very impressed with the quality of young men that continue to pick up the torch and run with it.

The Combat Warriors hunts not only provide an outstanding venue for my boys and I to spend quality time together and to become more proficient with the handling and firing of our weapons, it also provides a venue for all of us to meet and interact with other military members and their dependents, Combat Warriors sponsors, and various facility managers (Dewitt’s and Allen Brothers, are two great examples), and to help to strengthen our nation’s resolve in the process. The Combat Warriors sponsored events helps to strengthen our nation’s resolve. The more opportunity that my dependents have to share experiences with like-minded service individuals and their dependents, past and present, yields a greater perspective on life. Perspectives in life are molded by people that we meet, as we walk through life, and the Combat Warrior hunts provide a great venue to interact and to learn.

Thanks for allowing us to take part in the Combat Warrior hunts and we hope to make every event that you allow us to attend. God bless you!