Combat Warriors Inc.

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2017 Oregon Inlet Offshore Fishing

Combat Warriors was honored to host another offshore fishing trip on Memorial Day thanks to several great Americans who sponsored this event.  Their desire to host combat veterans on this day of reflection and appreciation made for an unforgettable experience.

Warriors from across eastern NC trickled into Engelhard on Sunday afternoon to meet one another and socialize before sharing a meal at Harris’ Restaurant in Fairfield.  All four branches of service were represented with periods of service spanning from Vietnam to active duty members pending their next deployment.  Conversations flourished as groups were assigned their boats and shared a meal together before retiring early for the night.

Breakfast was ready the next morning at 03:30 and a convoy departed for Oregon Inlet at 04:00.  By 05:30, four vessels loaded with warriors set out for the open ocean. 

Special thanks to the owners and crew of these fine boats for making this event possible:

It didn’t take long for these experienced captains to get into the fish and put their guests to work on tuna and mahi-mahi.  The fishing was fantastic and it was a full day for the crews and warriors.  There were some with sturdy sea legs and other that gave offerings to the sea, but all were able to enjoy the open ocean, camaraderie, and freedoms we are so blessed to enjoy in this country. 

As we reflected on all those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, we honor their memory and are reminded to live life to the fullest each day and cherish that which we hold dear.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” John 15:13